Exclusive independent
Business law- & tax firms
Of the world
the bay
„BAY OF PLENTY“ (the „Bay“) is a highly desirable global online business network welcoming lawyers and tax advisors, running their own exclusive, independently minded small business law- & tax firms.
Our members understand each other as „family & friends“, be it, because they have worked together as colleagues in the same „Magic Circle“- or „Big Four“-firm before they found their own boutique law- or tax firm, because they know each other from law school, a secondment, or just because a member has shared the precious contact details of a trustworthy before-not-known colleague that proves to be the right type of lawyer or tax advisor to get a job done.
Membership at the Bay is primarily by invitation or proposal. We onboard only lawyers and / or tax advisores (or the like), where two or more of our members can personally verify the same high quality, true entrepreneurial spirit and mindset as they themselves bring.
Our community is stretching out around the world, available in almost every important marketplace.
Members at the Bay strive to offer selected, discrete and exclusive legal- or tax advice in all relevant legal- or tax matters of international business.
From Chinese commercial lawyer, German tax advisor to US corporate law expert or else: Every lawyer or tax advisor in our collection strives to perfectly align with their clients’ needs and to understand the specialities of the marketplace and country of the client’s request.
Members at the Bay offer their services with the highest claim for success and client satisfaction.